About Us

Waarde Capital is an investment company founded by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. As such, we are well positioned to identify and support the best companies with strong entrepreneurs.

With three active funds under management, we can invest practically on every stage of the business lifecycle, and do it globally. Waarde invests in Europe, US, Israel, Africa, and SouthEast Asia and promotes environmental or social values within the meaning of article 8 of SFDR of the European Commission’s Sustainable Action Plan (learn more).

Key Facts

  San Francisco
  tel aviv
  New York
  1. Founded by 3 entrepreneurs working together more than 20 years
  2. Funds under management: breakthrough tech, growth capital and emerging markets
  3. Team experience: more than $3B invested in over 100 companies from 27 industries
  4. Global presence: Europe, Israel, US, and South-East Asia, Africa

Added Value

As entrepreneurs in nature, we are actively involved in our portfolio companies development, helping with:

Strategic planning —

We help to transform a vision into game plan and practical steps.

Revenue growth —

We use our extensive business network to bring new business to our portfolio companies.

Follow-on financing —

We are able to provide our portfolio companies with financing for strategic M&A, CAPEX or shareholders restructuring.

Operational support —

We help management teams to excel diverse operational tasks from marketing to supply chain optimization.

Turnaround and restructuring —

We contribute our vast experience to help companies to get through tough times.



Managing partners of Waarde Capital invest their own and other entrepreneurs’ money, and are not limited to the standard structured fund investment frames, providing portfolio companies with advantages of:


We can support our portfolio companies as long as needed and adjust corporate development milestones to the economic cycle.


Diverse capital sources allow us to provide optimal capital structure for our partners.


We can finance the same company from different funds through the companies’ development . This is an efficient way to attract new co-investors and grow business faster and more easily.

Our strategies

Breakthrough tech

$5M in high-tech companies at startup and early growth stages.
Israel, Europe, SouthEast Asia, and US

Growth capital

$15M in fast growing companies that operate in high-tech segments with high entry barriers and have sustainable competitive advantage
Israel, Europe, SouthEast Asia, and US

Emerging markets

$15M in fast growing companies from digital economy of emerging markets

Portfolio Companies

getgoing innovative technology for travel industry
Bioxis revolutionary aesthetic medical device
utilight disruptive electronics printing technology used in clean energy
xplenty makes big data available for everybody
Infamalps new molecule for treatment of inflammatory diseases
Gauzy New Liquid Crystal Glass technologies
USA Travel management system

The Company provides the most innovative IT solutions of travel search, booking, and management.

GetGoing offers its IT platform (SaaS model) to airlines, travel management companies (TMC), corporations, online travel agencies, and other players in the travel market.

Acquired by strategic investor
France Medical devices

French laboratory founded to develop new medical solutions in aesthetic medicine and tissue engineering.

Key developments of the company are dermal fillers, based on chitosan (CHITODERM) and hyaluronic acid (HYALDERM).

Acquired by strategic investor
Israel Clean energy

A revolutionary technology, printing electrodes on solar panels.

The new method eliminates defects, increases efficiency of PV Cell by 4–5%, and significantly decreases production costs.

Acquired by strategic investor
Israel Big data

Hadoop Cloud-based platform as a service aimed at making data analytics easy for enterprise users without special training.

Xplenty helps quickly transform structured and semi-structured data into business insights without Hadoop programming skills.

Acquired by strategic investor
Switzerland Pharmaceuticals

Inflamalps is a pharmaceutical company, aiming to establish itself as a key player in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases by discovering and developing novel molecules with a focus on ophthalmological and dermatological diseases.

Acquired by strategic investor
USA Embedding Technology Into Raw Material

Smartglass technology gauzy is a vendor of material science which develops, manufactures, and markets liquid crystal materials, which are embedded into raw materials by our global partners.

Nigeria B2B network for informal trade

Sabi significantly reduces costs for entrepreneurs working in the informal sector. By registering in the system, the entrepreneur gets access to a huge number of goods and services, at prices lower than previously available, plus direct delivery. On the platform, an entrepreneur can also receive the services of logisticians, transport, financial, insurance companies. Sabi provides a free product and sales accounting and planning tool – MyShop.

Africa Green cooking fuel supplier and basic consumer goods retailer in emerging markets

KOKO builds and deploys dense networks of cloud-connected "KOKOpoints" inside local corner stores, which serve as consumer access points for goods and services delivered in partnership with major suppliers. The first consumer solution is a liquid ethanol cooking fuel, which delivers significant cost savings and quality of life improvements in the multi-billion dollar market for urban cooking fuel in Africa.

Africa Platform for owners and drivers of commercial vehicles with a full range of services (fleet maintenance, payments, travel control, asset backed financing, insurance and security)

MAX.NG provides solution for mobility challenges in Africa. Any driver or owner of commercial transport now has an access to financing for the expansion of the fleet, insurance, a trip accounting system, a payment platform, and convenient service for obtaining all documentation. Max.ng also provides a transition to electric transport decreasing CO2 emissions.

USA Fitness VR technology company, the first in the world provider of virtual routes for treadmill runners

Octonic VR workout makes treadmill training fun, safe and requires minimum investment in time and effort. With realistic visuals, interactive virtual reality worlds, and real or AI runners in the game, the users can compete and explore the best routes on our planet. Walking and running using Octonic’s proprietary VR technology prevents motion sickness and is as safe as using a conventional treadmill.

USA New breakthrough technology for hydrogen fuel cell production

HyPoint – manufacturer and provider of next generation hydrogen fuel cell system that can deliver both high specific power > 2 000 W/kg and high energy density > 1 500 Wh/kg and makes aircraft designers to use hydrogen systems in practice

Acquired by strategic investor
USA New way for urban mobility

Bartini Aero is an aviation engineering company that develops an electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (evtol) for private use and the emerging urban air taxi market. The evtol from Bartini Aero has the best in industry ratioof cabin space to total evtol size.

USA New breakthrough solution for corporations to increase their employees’ critical skills.

Numly is a software platform with embedded AI engine that enables employees to reveal their strong and weak critical skills, become coach or student for each other inside the company and train or get the knowledge in peer-to-peer mode with the best outcomes and with almost zero expenses

USA Сloud platform for genomic big data

Genomic big data company that support the global breeding industry boost the development of new plant and animal varieties by developing cutting edge predictive computational methods

USA The first in the world zero emission hydrogen power train for the aviation

As a leader in this new, fast-growing industry, ZeroAvia is enabling scalable, sustainable aviation by replacing conventional engines with hydrogen-electric powertrains.

Our Team

The European Commission’s Sustainable Action Plan has three objectives: (1) To reorient capital flows towards sustainable investment in order to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth; (2) To manage financial risks stemming from climate change, environmental degradation, and social issues; and (3) To foster transparency and long-termism in financial and economic activity. It is a response to recommendations from the high-level expert group on sustainable finance, which were submitted to the Commission in January 2018.

Already, the European Parliament has adopted an amendment to Regulation 2016/1011 to introduce a framework for EU climate transition and EU Paris-aligned benchmarks, an amendment to the Delegated Regulation 2017/565 to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into investment advice and portfolio management, and an amendment to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2359 to integrate ESG considerations and preferences into the investment advice for insurance-based investment products. It has also prepared a series of related reports, including an EU Taxonomy Regulation, benchmarks, EU green bond standard, and climate-related disclosures.

SFDR which is part of a broader legislative package under the European Commission’s Sustainable Action Plan, came into effect on 10 March 2021. To meet the SFDR disclosure requirements, the AIFM identifies, assesses and, where possible and appropriate, seeks to manage sustainability risks for the Partnership as part of its risk management process. The AIFM believes that the integration of this risk analysis could help to enhance the long-term value of the portfolio for Investors, in accordance with the investment objective and Investment Policy of the Partnership. However, due to the nature of the investment objective, sustainability risks are not integrated in the investment decisions.

The Partnership is promoting environmental or social characteristics within the meaning of article 8 of SFDR but does not have sustainable investment as its objective within the meaning of article 9 of SFDR.

As regards disclosures obligations under article 4(1) of SFDR we confirm that the AIFM does take into account the negative impacts due to investments - Article 4 (1) (a).